Friday, June 24, 2011


I've just recently noticed God is throwing pebbles at me.  They say, he first whispers, and if you don't listen, he will begin to shout, if that doesn't work, he will hit you with a brick!  I have recently had a brick thrown at my head regarding our finances. 

Today, I've been catching little pebbles:
"Ultimately - YOU have to insist on your own Happiness"  Cee Lo
"Go back to the Happiest moment in your life - Go back to that one day when you thought it couldn't get any better!"  Extreme makeover Weight Loss Edition.
"Put yourself in that moment and regain that hope for the future, the joy for the now, the dreams of how your life has just begun - Go there and grab it and don't let go!  Because this is the first day of the new WAY! "  me
My moment is on my wedding day when my soon-to-be husband is walking down the isle looking at me with the biggest smile on his face, glowing with the same love that I returned to him. This was one of the few times in my life when I knew I was doing the best right thing for me, and it felt overwhelming and Awesome.  I never expected to find a "Forever Man", but I did, because I deserve him, and he deserves me!

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